Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mama Called The Doctor And The Doctor Said

If there was some sort of medical equivalent to frequent flyer miles, we would be racking it up these past few weeks. Big Brother had pink eye, and an ear infection on top of the ever existing cold. Baby Brother has been sharing the cold provided by Big Brother followed by a fever thet spiked at 104! We are past most of it now, just a few sniffles as reminders. This makes me realize how lucky we are to have our health.

Our visits to the doctor has inspired lots of doctor play. Big brother was given a medical set about a year and a half ago and has just discovered it. He has been administering lots of shots, taking my temperature, and blood pressure which is apparently "over the roof"! He has advised me to stop drinking "coffee and other stuff". Sometimes it is too low and i might "get dead". I will take this advice.

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