Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We have just returned from two relaxing weeks in California. One in the Tahoe area and one in Marin County. I am happy to be home but boy do I miss the sunshine. I went for a run under the grey this morning and the thought that kept creeping into my mind was run away the gloom. I often get a bit depressed and homesick when I get back from a trip like this, but I am determined to keep it away with my prescribed running regimen. I just signed up for a half marathon with some of the girls at work. I am hoping this will motivate me and not add to my stress as another thing I don't have time to do. I am going to try to keep my competing drive out of my mind while training. Trying to be ok with not running the whole thing, walking if I need to. Trying to run without a time in mind. I have found some training programs on line and hope to look at it tomorrow and fit it into my schedule. I have decided to be kind to myself if I don't keep up with my training program. I will run what I can and walk the rest. I will be proud.

Monday, July 4, 2011

A perfect fourth of July. Parade, hot dogs, Popsicles, frolicking, bar-b-que, sparklers, fireworks, bed.