Saturday, June 25, 2011

We went to the library today. Elio picked books about dinosaurs and bugs, like usual. One book on the shelf caught his eye. On the cover was a rubber ducky all alone in the ocean. We selected our books and went to the check out. When we got outside the building Elio broke down in tears. He was so sad and I had no idea what was wrong. At first he didn't want to tell me. Finally he said "I am worried about the ducky". I wasn't sure what he meant. Elio continued "He is all alone out at sea". He was genuinely worried for the poor little ducky on the book cover. I tried to assure him the ducky was just fine. He cried all the way home. He was trying so hard to be brave and calm himself down. I told him it was alright to be sad and worry about people and things. Elio just went to bed. Tonight he brought with him his rubber ducky.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Well, summer is finally here, sort of any way. We have seen the sun most days this week and it is a welcomed change. I am hoping for warm evenings in the garden. Days of splashing in the water with my little ones. A salad entirely grown in my back yard. And tan lines on my feet. I don't think I am asking too much.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Today started a bit rocky. Elio was being a bit pushy and grumpy. We were going to go to the childrens museum, but after his behavior, I decided we would stay home. Elio wanted to go outside and look for bugs, a new favorite past time. I put Saul on my back and went outside. We found slugs and ants, spiders and pill bugs. Then I found a giant centipede. I am not a fan of bugs, but it was so much fun to see how excited he was seeing it. After lunch we looked up on the computer what centipedes eat (earthworms apparently) and what eats them (birds, raccoons). They still, as Elio says, give me the icky's.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A few photos Elio took on this mornings walk
We have started going for a walk in the morning. The whole family. Not too far, just about half an hour or so. it is a way for us to spend a little time together before Papa, or I go to work, or Elio goes to school. We name all the trees and flowers we know. We look for bird feeders and bird houses. Elio likes to name them "Come Birds Come Restaurant" is a popular one. Elio likes to tell the birds flying by or sitting on fences where they can fin the nearest restaurant. Elio resists going almost every day, but once we are out the door he is happy and silly. He holds my hand when we cross streets and runs ahead skipping down the sidewalk. it is so much fun to see him on these walks, exploring our neighborhood discovering the world.
I am having a moment of absolute peace right now. Can you feel it...yes, there it is. One child napping, one quietly playing, me drinking my coffee and enjoying the light in the dining room. It is a foggy morning. The kind where you can feel the mist on your face while you walk. I am taking this moment in, the peace, the beauty of the morning.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I have started drinking coffee again. Not "real" coffee, decaf. I drink it black. One cup a day. I haven't drank coffee regularly in about nine years. Ever since Papa got the espresso machine and the labor involved in making a coffee outweighed the benefits. I love my daily cup. I savor it. At first it felt like I was doing something naughty. Now it is becoming a ritual. A daily event in my life. Is it bad if I have two cups?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Today has not been my ideal day. Saul woke up at 4:30 up nurse followed by Elio at 4:50. I was mad, I wanted SLEEP! Papa had to keep reminding me to make the best of it. Being grumpy was not going to male anything easier. I did come around, aim still tired and a little worried about how the day will go with no one having had a full nights sleep. Oh well, things could be worse. I could have been up at 4:30 with a sick kid rather than one brimming over with energy and enthusiasm.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Every week i change hats. Monday through Thursday I am Mama. I play, I change diapers, I prepare snacks. Then Friday rolls around and I dress up, put on some lipstick, and go to work. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, what is the weekend to others is my work week. I am a hairstylist, and I feel lucky everyday for choosing a career I love. I actually have fun at work. I enjoy my clients. I feel like I learn so much from them. So many different people in different jobs, from different places, with different interests. I love the people i work with. I love that I get to be creative, I am making something, building something.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Elio has really been enjoying music lately. He likes to dance around and sing along. He is learning the words. Sometimes they are a creative interpretation of what is really being said. They say "Music calms the savage beast". I have found his new found appreciation for music will often calm his beasty behavior. When he is getting a little too wound up, I will turn it on and he often focuses in on the songs.

I am not really a music person. Don't get me wrong, I like music, but if I am home alone I like the quiet. I have gone years with no radio in the car with more than one car. I do like having Elio's music on. I think Saul likes it too. A little music is good for everyone.