Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I have been running quite a lot lately. I decited to do a half marathon with some of the girls from work. I am slowly increasing my distance and working on getting my pace up. I am a little worried about finding the time to train so I can still walk at the end of the race. I don't want training to feel like one more thing I have to do and be more stressful than fun. It is hard to fit in training with my schedule. So far I am feeling good. One thing that comes with running so much is these little mantras that go through my head while I run. They pop into my mind a mile or two into it. It is sort of a moment of clarity. The last one was "I am getting me back".

I had been feeling like I had lost a little of me lately. Feeling irritable, overwhelmed, bogged down. Now working toward something. Knowing that keeping moving will help keep me moving. I am starting to feel like me again. I look forward to finishing the race, to do something for myself. To accomplish something. To work hard for something. For me.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

We spent the day at a friends farm. There were four of us girls from work eight kids between us, two dogs, several cows, one slug, and one crawdad. The kids played we lunched while refereeing. We finished the day with rain boots in the creek. The day felt like summer. I loved seeing the kids excitement throwing rocks in the creek, learning all kids aren't much different, and Mommies need to spend more time together.